Friday, March 14, 2008

Seventeen Magazines Going Green Tips

A few days ago I decided to pick up Seventeen Magazine and I'm glad I did. In the April issue at the bottom of the pages are tips on "going green", to help save the environment. I decided I should post them up for all those people who want to go green ,but don't know how to start.

  • Don't toss gift bags in the trash- reduce waste by reusing them from year to year to dress up presents.
  • An estimated 100 billion plastic bags end up in landfills every year. Bring your own canvas bag to the store.
  • Reduce garbage by using utensils that can be washed instead of tossing out plastic ones.
  • When your done IMing on your computer or laptop, don't leave an away message. Shut down your computer if your not suing it to save energy.
  • If you need a new computer, buy a laptop instead of a desktop- it will require less electricity to run.
  • Reheat leftovers in a microwave or toaster oven. They use less energy than conventional ovens.
  • Fight toxins by planting by planting peace lilies- they actually clean up indoor air!
  • Take the bus to school to reduce pollution.
  • Switch to low energy fluorescent light bulbs. They last up to 10 times as long as regular light bulbs.
  • When you have free time, volunteer to plant trees with your friends. Click here for a list of places close to you.
  • Clean the lint filter in your dryer regularly. A dirty filter uses up to 30% more energy to dry clothes.
  • Buy clothes made from organic cotton, which doesn't harm wildlife or the environment.
  • Instead of using the dryer, try a drying rack. You will save electricity and your jeans won't shrink!
  • Use a reusable sponge or rag to clean up spills instead of paper towels.
  • If your printing a long document, save paper by changing your settings to print on both sides.
  • Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to power a TV for three hours.
  • Buy razors with replaceable cartridges instead of disposable razors that can't be reused.
  • Save energy buy turning off the lights and TV when you leave a room.
  • Unplug your phone charger when its not in use- it draws out energy just by being plugged into the power outlet.
  • Use a dry erase board to jot down notes instead of Post-it notes to save paper.

To get more tips on how to go green (and for accessories that are eco-riendly) go pick up the April issue of Seventeen Magazine. Also check out these links for more info on saving the environment and going green:

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